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BERT, the new Google algorithm has arrived

BERT has arrived, the new algorithm that interprets and contextualizes the queries and nuances that lie behind every word searched on the web. But how does this new system work? What importance does it occupy in everyday life? What advantages and disadvantages can it offer? Let’s find out.

What is BERT and what is it for?

BERT (acronym of Bidirectional Encoder Representation from Transformers) is the new Google algorithm that uses the Artificial Intelligence system to process and interpret the natural language (or NLP) of users. BERT is able to understand even the most subtle nuances that lie behind the meaning of each word.
As Google’s official blog Pandu Nayak writes, Google Search’s vice president, BERT is an important step forward in research history, perhaps the most interesting change in the last five years.

How does BERT work?

Artificial Intelligence attempts to imitate the functioning of the human brain. Likewise, BERT uses AI to interpret user searches and immediately find useful information on the web.
Google researchers had to carry out several tests before achieving these results. They have selected a thousand sentences of complete meaning and at some point, they have removed about 15% of the words putting BERT to the test.
The algorithm was able to analyze the meaning of a word, in relation to the context.

Through this constant training, BERT reconstructed the sentences as they were originally developed, learning to understand even the smallest nuances that lie behind the meaning of each word

Why is BERT important?

The introduction of the new Google algorithm is an important advance in the history of the web. This means that BERT will analyze the words typed on the bar and propose relevant results to the research carried out by the user.
According to Google researchers, this update may have an influence of about 10% on queries. Most likely, the change will affect the way you interact with the most popular search engine in the world.
Pandu Nayak adds again in the blog that, by applying BERT models to snippers and positioning, it will be possible to obtain more suitable results for the research carried out. These advances cannot be attributed solely to the software, but also to the use of new hardware, namely the TPU cloud.

How BERT works: practical example

Usually, to search for information on the web, type or query a query. But who can say that the words used are actually correct? One can never be quite sure of the right formulation of a question.

Therefore, Google’s task is to first understand the language, even when there may be some spelling or grammatical errors.
The problem arises when particularly complex or conversational queries are proposed. Some prefer to use so-called keywords, thinking that the system can understand, while perhaps it would be easier to formulate a question.
To better understand how BERT works, Google researchers reported a practical example on the blog. They have typed in the search bar a phrase such as: “The 2019 Brazilian traveler in the United States needs a visa”.

At this point, Google’s algorithm, unlike traditional ones, was able to recognize the importance of prepositions too. The old systems misinterpreted the phrase, returning results of US citizens traveling to Brazil and not the other way around, as only BERT was able to analyze and understand.
BERT has already been active in the United States for some time.

It is currently being implemented for the interpretation of the questions formulated exclusively in English. The Google team ensures that the algorithm will soon arrive in other countries of the world.

And what do you think? Is your site optimized? If you want we can do an SEO audit and plan a meeting to evaluate the opportunities for developing and improving your online presence !. Contact us.

Black Friday: origins and strategies for commercial success

Black Friday is one of the most anticipated days of the year by consumers and traders around the world. It consists of a real day of sales, born in the United States and exported globally, in which it is possible to make really profitable deals.

In fact, no one can miss the opportunity to buy products at very low prices, so that discounts can reach up to 70%.

This year the appointment is set for November 23rd, but it will be possible to do business for the whole week before this date and, in many cases, even a few days later. And this is precisely why we often talk about Black Week.

What is Black Friday?

The Black Friday consists of one day, set for the last Friday of November, in which many companies offer very high discounts on some of their products so as to attract customers to their store or e-commerce with the aim of record an important increase in turnover.

Although the function of Black Friday is purely consumerist, both parties are benefiting from it: on the one hand, traders are able to get attention and boost their sales volumes in a period that is not yet characterized by the race for gifts of the imminent period Christmas and other consumers have the opportunity to take home products for their profits that, if purchased in another period, would have entailed a much higher economic expenditure.

Black Friday: why is it called that?

The origin of Black Friday is American and tradition has it that it always falls on the last Friday of November, or the day after Thanksgiving.

It is said that the origin of the name was born in the city of Philadelphia to describe the huge traffic congestion due to the shopping frenzy that usually occurs on the streets of that city, as in all the United States, right on that date , which has become a real “Black Friday” for motorists.

Another version, however, wants Black Friday to be called this way because of the huge earnings of the traders, who, instead of registering them with the red pen (used to indicate losses) used the black one, thus signaling a positive voice.

Black Week and Cyber ​​Monday

The economic power of Black Friday has also convinced many European states, including Italy, to make this anniversary their own, which over time has also had an important evolution.

The discounts, in fact, are now made not only in stores, but also in e-commerce. This makes it possible to extend the time period of the sales to the week preceding the “Black Friday”, but also to a few successive days. Consequently, the expression Black Week has become a frequent use, coined to indicate this time span, which is generally concluded with the so-called Cyber ​​Monday, the Monday following Black Friday entirely dedicated to special offers on electronic products only.

Black Friday and marketing

From a marketing point of view, Black Friday has become one of the moments of the year in which to focus strongly on the design of strategies aimed at introducing consumers to the products and discounts offered by each brand.

An important role is played by digital technologies, which make it possible to carry out both paid and organic campaigns. It will be easy to notice, for example, the numerous sponsored ads on Facebook journals or between Instagram stories. Socials are a powerful tool, as they allow visual, creative and extremely targeted communication.

Statistics on search volumes in the main engines reveal very interesting numbers. In the chart below you can see how much interest in Google has increased for the Black Friday keyword in the last five years near the end of November.

Crescita dell'interesse per il Black Friday su Google dal 2013 a oggi.
Crescita dell’interesse per il Black Friday su Google dal 2013 a oggi. Fonte: Google Trends

The increase in the search for information on this event in the last few years is evident and therefore it is necessary to integrate the paid campaigns with accurate SEO strategies.

Every brand should care about it, trying to provide information content that can redirect, also thanks to an accurate internal link building, to sections of its site that are more commercial and capable of real conversions.



Mobile-first Indexing: optimization for mobile devices a Google priority

Mobile-first indexing is one of the most important updates of the Google algorithm. It came into force in July 2018 with the aim of responding to a need that has now become a priority: guaranteeing users an increasingly efficient use experience on mobile devices. The use of smartphones and tablets is always increasing and Google, as a result, tries to adapt its methods of evaluating websites based on how people browse on the Internet.

This change will greatly affect the work of the professionals who work in the web field, as they will have to get used to a different way of thinking and content. Who does not adapt to the logic of mobile-first, is likely to suffer the negative effects that can cause this update to Google thus benefiting the competition.

What is Mobile-first Indexing?

This implementation consists of a new methodology for indexing sites and web pages. Google, from now on, during the crawling phase will give priority to sites optimized for mobile and to the quality of their optimization.

Even sites that have not been updated according to this logic will be clearly indexed and scanned by the Googlebot, based solely on their desktop version, but risk being outclassed on SERPs by competing sites updated according to the mobile-first logic.

Mobile-first indexing can be considered as a revolutionary change by Google, as it will no longer be sufficient to meet all on-page optimization requirements to aim to improve its web reputation and positioning.

Developers, web-designers and web-copywriters during the creation or revision of a site, will also have to pay close attention to the aspects that allow a quick and efficient use of the contents of a simple smartphone from the point of view of displaying the contents.

Why did Google opt for Mobile-first Indexing?

The implementation of Mobile-first Indexing is a logical consequence of the evolution of users’ habits of using web content.

The use of mobile devices is already very high and continues to increase. This is confirmed by the data of Audiweb, according to which only in July 2018 the Italian users who accessed the Internet via smartphone were 28.9 million, against 12.9 million desktop accesses.

Considering Nielsen’s statistics (dating back to April 2017 but very significant) it is clear that Italian users have spent – on average – almost 80% of their time on the Internet on a smartphone and only 20% on a computer.

The graph below shows more details about the time spent on mobile and fixed devices by men, women and different age groups. In all cases, the percentage of time spent on smartphones and tablets clearly exceeds that on the computer.

Mobile-first Indexing: grafico che mostra la distribuzione del tempo totale trascorso online dagli utenti del web

Even on the basis of a more global vision, values ​​do not differ much from those in Italy. A Zenith study (data from 2017), in fact, calculated that 73% of the time spent on the Internet by users in the 52 countries considered for the analysis was spent on mobile devices.

Google has always worked to provide its users with quality content that is easy to use and, in accordance with the data just mentioned, has understandably decided to give priority to all web portals capable of adopting the mobile-first logic.

How to optimize a site for Mobile-first Indexing

The precautions to be taken so that a website is perfectly optimized for mobile are of different types, some more technical and others more linked to the display of contents.

One of the main aspects is the loading speed. It is in fact known that the average user when using a smartphone generally does not have the time – or patience – to wait for a page to load: if it opens slowly it is easy to leave it. PageSpeed ​​Insights is a free tool from Google which, following the insertion of a url in the appropriate space, allows you to understand what is the speed of a web page, its state of optimization and the elements on which it could intervene to increase the loading.

To increase browsing speed it is suggested not to include in the mobile version of the site pop-ups that cover the main information and useless animations. These elements could slow down the loading of the page and its contents, with the risk of discouraging the user to remain there. A mobile-fiendly web page must therefore be clean and free of superfluous elements.

Optimization of images and videos is also essential. Entering the title and the alt tag allows faster loading. For these elements, their quality, format and size are also fundamental, which must not be too heavy.

As for the less technical aspects, it is essential to think about the contents in such a way that the user can easily enjoy them. The font must be legible and not too small. The organization of the text is also important; we must ensure that it is ordered, subdivided into paragraphs and, if possible, also in bullet points, as they help reading.

All these little tricks help the user of the web page in reading its contents, so that it remains as long as possible on it without being tempted to leave it prematurely.

How to know if your site is mobile-friendly

A very useful tool to understand if a site is adequate to the Mobile-first Indexing parameters is Google Mobile-Friendly. It indicates its level of optimization, also showing the graphic representation of how it is seen on a smartphone screen.

The first step, however, is to pay attention to the mobile optimization of a web page at the very moment in which it is constructed, at least for its graphic and textual parts. There are several themes for cms that allow you to evaluate what would be the aspects of the page displayed by desktops, smartphones and tablets and to make any appropriate changes during the work.


Mobile first banner


Istat: 63% of companies do not want to invest in digital

There are far too many Italian companies completely unrelated to the digital world, and it is no coincidence that these companies are not very competitive and not very innovative, as emerges from the latest report on the competitiveness of the various productive sectors published by Istat.

As many as 63% of Italian companies consider investments in communication technologies as irrelevant to their business.

This category mainly includes companies operating in the traditional manufacturing sector, companies offering services to other companies, or specializing in postal services, small-scale and low-productivity companies.

Among the other categories of companies covered by the Istat surveys, there is a 2.3% of companies called digital unfinished, which consider the central ITC for their competitiveness.

In the vast majority of cases these are medium-to-large companies, characterized by a high level of digitization and low human and physical capital, which believe that innovation is a strategic asset; these companies mainly deal with trade, vehicle repair and tourism, intended both as travel agencies and as accommodation facilities.

22% of the total corresponds to sensitive restricted companies, for which the ITC represents a fundamental investment.

This category mainly corresponds to medium-large companies, with low human and physical capital and the average level of digitization, companies with low profitability and for which the skilled workforce is decreasing; these companies operate mainly in metallurgy, mechanics, automotive, catering and paper production.

9.7% of the total corresponds to “sensitive” companies, for which the ITC is considered very relevant for growth purposes.

These companies have a medium-large size and are very profitable, as far as the operating sectors are concerned, they mainly concern the production of beverages, PCs and electronic devices of various types, or they are companies operating in the transport sector or legal or accounting firms.

The remaining 3% corresponds to the digital businesses accomplished, for which the ICT constitutes a strategic asset: these are mainly large and very profitable companies, which invest in an important way in innovation and marketing and have a personal very qualified; the most frequent operating sectors are telecommunications, chemistry, pharmaceuticals, IT consulting, beverage production.

67% of Italian companies declared to have made investments during 2017, and this is certainly an encouraging figure; from this point of view, however, some changes guaranteed by the Government, such as the so-called super-amortization, have had a positive impact.

The fact that 63% of Italian companies show no interest in ITC investments cannot be neglected, as it is certainly not a positive factor for our economy.

This negative figure makes us reflect on how many Italian companies have immense but not fully exploited potential, probably due to an excessively traditional entrepreneurial mentality, not very sensitive to new developments and digital opportunities.

Today, even the smallest companies, if they want to be truly competitive, can not help but invest in digital, even a small percentage of their turnover, even small amounts could really make a difference.

And what do you think? How are your company’s investments in digital? Are you sure that your company is fully exploiting the potential of the web, communication and technology?

Contact us, we are ready to put our experience at your disposal!

Source: Ilsole24ore.com

New types of digital tourism, will companies in the sector be able to intercept them?

According to data from the Digital Innovation Observatory for Tourism of the School of Management of the Politecnico di Milano presented in October 2017, the digital shopping market for tourism and travel in Italy has reached remarkable figures, reaching € 11.2 billion, equal to 20% of the overall travel market.

Travel and tourism purchases increased by 9% in 2017, while growth in 2016 was 8%.

Dividing online spending in the Tourism area into the three products under investigation, namely accommodation, transport and travel packages, the percentages are very close to the 2016 data: the world of transport covers 73% of the market, followed by the accommodation facilities with the 15% and from the Travel Packages with 12%.

Within transport 78% is made up of air transport, 19% of trains, and the rest, but the results of strong investments by the railway operators are beginning to be seen.

The incidence of transacting from indirect channels on the total of digital tourism remains constant: the Online Travel Agency market share and the various aggregator sites is equal to 24% (up 16% in absolute value compared to 2016).

The incidence of purchases from smartphones on digital spending in the Tourism area exceeds 13% and is around 1,500 million (+ 50% on 2016), while the contribution of the Tablet is still limited.

The growth is closely related to an increase in access volumes to web services and to the significant improvements that digital tourism operators have improved on their portals to optimize the customer experience.

The data presented by the Observatory showed that in reality there is no single digital tourist format, if anything, macro-classes of travelers using the internet for different purposes:

– the “voracious digital”, equal to 42% that use the internet mainly for the marketplace, where there is cross-buying for the stimulation of the logic that the purchase of a product pulls that of others;

– the “digital selective”, equal to 58% that instead book last minute but exploit the network mainly to do research and share more;

The recurring feature between the two macro classes is that the digital tourist does not have a homogeneous and predictable behavior, acts as if he were doing a “zapping” similar to the television one, he passes from one channel to the other with frequency, using up to 3 different instruments ( online and offline) in the inspiration phase and 4 for research in the most extreme cases.

And are the agencies and accommodation facilities sufficiently “digital”?

Indeed, the adoption rate of digital tools is now high both in terms of promotion (89%) and booking (85% is present on OTAs and 57% have advanced online booking system on their own site).

Can they effectively manage the various communication channels?

The structures that manage to have a higher percentage of direct bookings are those that focus on a stable relationship with the customer and use promotional tools such as email marketing (direct bookings make up 48% compared to 41% of those who do not use them).

What is the activity most booked by digital tourists?

The catering sector, with as much as 28%, even if in the sector companies there is a scarce adoption of a CRM system and only 3% of the bookings come from specific apps or portals.

And did the travel agencies understand the need to transform themselves?

Also in this case it can be said of yes, in fact 88% of the Agencies has introduced at least one innovation in the last two years and is aware that their competitive advantage will derive more and more from the creation of a relationship of trust between agent and traveler ( for 42% of the Agencies, +6 percentage points compared to 2016), by the ability to provide support in the organization of complex trips (50%) and to provide assistance at all stages of the journey (47%).

In a moment of transformation like this, it is therefore necessary for the agencies to update themselves with digital tools for the promotion of travel and customer care.

Processes, strategies, assistance and business organization are totally focused on the customer and on the experience that he lives in the digital environment for the choice of the product or the tourist service.

Offering a personalized travel experience means for a company to create a bond of trust with its customers and prospects, to guarantee constant, competent and adequate support for their requests.

It’s about following users during all phases of their Digital Travel Journey:

  • inspiration
  • Research
  • booking
  • making the trip
  • story of experience and sharing

Users search, browse, evaluate offers and promotions, compare prices, make a virtual tour, book, travel and then tell the experience to their friends and share it on social channels.

It becomes fundamental for companies in the sector to intercept the new digital tourist flows linked to business travel in the short term, avoiding having to chase them afterwards with inadequate and not very competitive offers and above all to become aware of the new behavior of the “digital tourist”, trying to preside over effective all the communication channels on the web.

Source: osservatori.net


Car purchase, test drive, car sharing: everything goes from digital

In Italy, automotive and transportation brands cannot do without digital to get in touch with their users, both when they are about to buy a new car and when they are looking for new solutions to get around the city or in the suburbs.

In November 2017 Nielsen presented in this regard very interesting statistics about the world of cars and transport that have shown that they are increasingly correlated to the world of technology and the internet, so that the digital marketing activity for automotive now becomes essential.

Alternative mobility: the latest generation transport opportunities

Parallel to public transport, today numerous forms of alternative mobility are developing, increasingly dependent on digital and applications in particular.

The examples are different from car sharing, that is the possibility of renting cars for very short periods of time, necessary for simple urban movements, up to car pooling, which allows trips to be made by sharing the same car, recognizing the owner of the vehicle a financial contribution for the fuel.

Nielsen points out that in September 2017 the Italians who used an application for their movements were 2.4 million, with a trend of + 20% compared to the same period of the previous year.

Traditional and web public transport

Even public transport does not miss the opportunities offered by technology: the Nielsen statistics, again referring to September 2017, speak of 1.2 million users who buy tickets online and calculate their routes by connecting to the internet.

Compared to the same period of the previous year the increase is really impressive, that is equal to + 40%.

The role of digital in choosing the car to buy

In September 2017, there were 11 million Italians who visited a specialized information website or a manufacturer’s website, with the aim of seeking help with the purchase or change of the car.

In this case the trend compared to the previous year was equal to + 1%: a less evident growth, only because these habits were already widely distributed.

The users who visited the manufacturers’ websites were 6.4 million, it is interesting to note that more than a fifth of them had a test drive booked or used the “car configurator” on the website.

More and more manufacturers offer the possibility of carrying out a test drive for the launch of a new model, in this case managing the digital strategy for automotive to promote online booking becomes an essential activity for brand marketing.

The configuration tools are among the most used web solutions, thanks to which the user is able to customize his vehicle based on his own needs, both from an aesthetic and a technical point of view, to then obtain a detailed estimate: and here the digital and web development is obviously the master.

Those who require the free trial of the car and who use the configurators are mainly men between the ages of 25 and 49, of medium-high level, above all managers and middle managers, people who live in families with high income (more of € 72 thousand per year).

According to Nielsen data, there are still few, (200,000 users in the survey month), those who have installed an app related to the management of the services of their car, such as the maintenance program and the management of technical and multimedia equipment.

Source: Nielsen Insights

Digital Marketing Workshop for Apnea Academy

Digital Marketing Workshop Milan held by Paolo Ramazzotti of Digitools Snc at Mc2 Sport Way in Buccinasco on 5 November 2017: the digital marketing training program for businesses and tourism activities continues.

The Apnea Academy members were the protagonists who were able to learn the strategies and tactics of digital marketing to acquire new customers for their structures and their courses for freedivers.

It was an opportunity to learn about the opportunities that a correct communication strategy on digital channels can offer to accommodation facilities dedicated not only to scuba divers.

After an overview of online marketing trends and traffic data in the world of tourism, attention has shifted to the necessary attention cge each brand must have to create, improve and defend its web reputation.

Attention therefore to the care of one’s own image, to the creation of a social media policy, to the moderation of comments, to the drafting of interesting content for users to give value to their brand, to their product or service, these are the main recommendations provided by Paolo Ramazzotti .

Corso formazione digital marketing

Particularly appreciated was the presentation of both successful and ‘epic fails’ cases in the web world: the participants were able to have valuable information on which errors to avoid and on what opportunities to seize for their online communication.

Finally, a series of basic ” best practices ” have been proposed both for planning and for managing one’s own presence on the web, from the initial decision on the choice of the domain name to the techniques for monitoring one’s presence on the results returned by the queries on search engines.

Another success of the Digitools training program, we can’t wait to organize a new digital marketing workshop!

Web consulting @Datev Koinos Srl

Datev Koinos Srl, a company that creates and distributes a suite of applications for accountants and manages the ” Concerto ” platform for distance learning, has chosen to make use of our web consultancy.

Starting from the optimization of the landing pages in accordance with the keyword strategy shared with the customer, Digitools attention has focused on improving the digital strategy of the company and on providing useful tips to improve the ROI of the campaigns.

Constant monitoring of data becomes an indispensable element for sharing the results of the actions undertaken with the marketing staff and for taking decisions on how to modify and optimize campaigns in accordance with business objectives.

This is why Digitools consultancy cannot do without a careful analysis of the numbers as the ever-changing market often requires sudden changes of direction.

Inbound Marketing: we revolutionize the way you communicate

Do you want to increase sales but at the same time want to limit the costs to be incurred for advertising? Would you like to stop buying advertising space or mailing lists to send bursts of mail without knowing if they will turn into business? Need to find new customers?
Good. Stop and do absolutely nothing. From today onwards, customers will come looking for you. And your marketing expenses will be reduced. Such as?
Thanks to Inbound Marketing: a set of strategies and tactics to capture your users and turn them into customers.
Continue reading “Inbound Marketing: we revolutionize the way you communicate”

Email marketing: from strategy to action

Email marketing is one of the best ways to promote your brand on the internet: the goal is to get the maximum return in terms of contacts, new customer acquisition and increased sales.

Along with so many advantages, email marketing is however an activity that also involves considerable risks, which can only be avoided if one operates on the basis of an effective email marketing plan.

The biggest risk is losing contacts and registering a high percentage of names that are deleted from your mailing list or asking to be deleted from your newsletter.

Has it already happened to you? It is very likely. And it is also physiological that a certain number of people choose not to receive your communications anymore. But when this number starts to grow it is likely that your plan, your strategy or your content has to be reviewed.

Continue reading “Email marketing: from strategy to action”

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